A Sweet New Website Update
A New Sweeter www.vesweeties.com
We hope you love the new changes and we are so excited its now live!
Here are a few main improvements we think you will love:
- There's now a quick "Add to cart" button on pick and mix sweets; So you can add all your favourites much easier without having to go into each product separately! perfect if you know exactly what you want to purchase. But if you find new sweets or haven't bought from us before you can still click on the sweets to bring up the descriptions, ingredients and allergens.
- Brief allergen info on each sweet in the pick and mix sweet sections, To add to the quick add to cart button we have added the allergens under each sweet, further allergen information is found on each product by clicking through.
- The whole website should load a lot quicker now and be a lot more responsive and colourful.
- We sweetened up the cart by making it a drawer style / pull-out cart menu to keep you from leaving the page you are on so if you wanted to glance at the cart mid-purchase or check the spend you can easily and then get straight back into exploring the page you were on!
- Chat Box; We have always tried to give the sweetest customer service but now we can be even better! with a direct live chat straight to myself! so be kind! The chat bubble is available to ask us questions, look up your order and any other questions. Usually, we will be ready to answer straight away within a few minutes so hang on for us to connect if not we will reply to your chat offline and you will get an email notification of our answers. It's a lot smoother and hopefully saves you time if you run into any order difficulties.
- New pick and mix pouch, box and jar selection tool; you can now select your sweets for these products so much clearer with zoom-in images available.

We hope you love the new design! Do let us know what you think!